University of Calabria
University of Calabria
Address bookAddress book
Italian English
Rosaria PUGLIESE - Professori AssociatiRosaria PUGLIESE - Professori Associati

[[ item.TeacherFirstName ]] [[ item.TeacherLastName ]]

[[ item.TeacherRoleDescription ]]

[[ item.TeacherSSDDescription ]] ([[ item.TeacherSSDCod ]])

[[ labels['ReceptionHours'] ]]
[[ labels.Title ]][[ labels.TextType ]][[ labels.PublicationDate ]]
[[ item.Title ]][[ item.TextType ]][[ new Date(item.PublicationDate).toLocaleString("en", {day: '2-digit', month: '2-digit', year: 'numeric', hour: 'numeric', minute: 'numeric'})]]
No items here
CV (it)Download
CV (en)Download
[[ item.TeacherCVShort ]]
[[ item.TeacherCVFull ]]
[[ labels.StudyActivityName ]][[ labels.StudyActivityAA ]][[ labels.StudyActivityCdSName ]]
[[ item.StudyActivityName ]] *[[ item.StudyActivityAA ]][[ item.StudyActivityCdSName ]]
No items here
[[ labels.Title ]][[ labels.PublicationDate ]]
[[ item.Title ]][[ new Date(item.PublicationDate).toLocaleString("en", {day: '2-digit', month: '2-digit', year: 'numeric', hour: 'numeric', minute: 'numeric'})]]
No items here
[[ item.LaboratoryName ]]
[[ item.DepartmentName ]]
[[ labels['Area'] ]] > [[ item.Area ]]
Manager > [[ item.ScientificDirector ]]
[[ labels['LaboratoryScopes'] ]] > [[ scope.ScopeDescription ]]
[[ labels['InfrastructureName'] ]] > [[ item.InfrastructureName ]]
[[ labels['Interdepartmental'] ]] > [[ item.Interdepartmental ]]
No items here
[[ item.PublicationTitle ]]
[[ item.PublicationContributors ]]
[[ labels['PublicationYear'] ]] > [[ item.PublicationYear ]]
[[ labels['PublicationCommunity'] ]] > [[ item.PublicationCommunity ]]
No items here
[[ labels['Teachers'] ]] > [[ teacher.TeacherName ]]
No items here
[[ item.RLineDescription ]]
[[ labels['RYear'] ]] > [[ item.RYear ]]
[[ labels['Teachers'] ]] > [[ teacher.TeacherName ]] [[ teacher.TeacherName ]]
Ref. ERC > [[ item.RLineErc2Name ]]
Ref. ASTER > [[ item.RLineAster2Name ]]
No items here
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[[ labels['ReceptionHours'] ]]